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Homeless Services Consortium

Board of Directors





The Homeless Services Consortium (HSC) Board of Directors is the governing body for the Madison/Dane County Continuum of Care (CoC). The HSC Board is responsible to operate the Continuum of Care, designate and operate a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), and engage in CoC planning. The HSC Board approves funding slates for both EHH (Emergency Solutions Grant, Homeless Prevention Program, Housing Assistance Program) and CoC funding competitions.


The HSC Board is made up of 17 voting members elected by qualified HSC members at the annual meeting.  Two additional voting members are appointed by the Youth Action Board and one is appointed by the Lived Experience Committee. An additional Board Member represents the lead HMIS function and is a non-voting member. Board member terms vary from one to three years, depending on the seat and members may serve for no more than six consecutive years. Please see the HSC bylaws for more specific information on the Board of Directors.

Board Member Information

Late Fees (April 2, 2020)


Board Member Job Description

Board Member Code of Conduct


Chara Taylor

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2026



Kayla Every, YHDP & YAB Coordinator

Representing: Lived Experience

Term Expires: 12/2026



Michelle Hemp

UnityPoint Health - Meriter

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2027



Shanita Lawrence


Representing: Homeless Services Agency

Term Expires: 12/2027



Claire Bergman

Sun Prairie School District

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2026


Michael Etheridge

The Road Home Dane County

Representing: Lived Experience

Term Expires: 12/2027


Patrick Duffie, HMIS System Administrator, Dane County CoC

Institute for Community Alliances

Representing: HMIS Lead Agency

Term: Non-voting


TaMaya Travis

Representing: Appointed Youth Action Board

Term Expires: 12/2025


Jasmyne Bass

RCC Sexual Resource Center

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2027


Skyler Van De Weerd

Representing: Chair of Homeless Services Consortium

Term Expires: 12/2025


Beverly Priefer

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2027


Rachel Kaiser

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2025


Andrea Gaines

YWCA Madison

Representing: Homeless Services Agency

Term Expires: 12/2025


Alicia Spry

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2025


Taylor Rozman, Housing Stability Director

Representing: At-Large

Term Expires: 12/2026


Erin Kautz, Staff Attorney

Legal Action of Wisconsin

Representing: Homeless Services Agency

Term Expires: 12/2026


Aurelius Leslie

Representing: Appointed Lived Experience

Term Expires: 12/2025


Deja Mays

Representing: Appointed Youth Action Board

Term Expires: 12/2025​


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