Each committee has a Chair who sets the agenda each month. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda, please connect with the Chair for the specific committee. There may be times when the agenda is full for the upcoming meeting and your item will be added to a future agenda or you may be referred to another committee if it is a better fit. Please view the event calendar to see when committees meet.

CoC Coordinator Torrie Kopp Mueller and HSC Board Member Jani Koester putting together a presentation
Board Executive Committee
The Board Executive Committee consists of the Homeless Services Consortium (HSC) Board President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The CoC Coordinator provides staff support. The committee is responsible for setting HSC Board meeting agendas, administering HSC technology tools and accounts, providing support during annual HSC elections, and making policy recommendations to the full Board. The Executive Committee also receives and responds to requests for communication in accordance with the HSC Board of Directors Code of Conduct, investigates and make determinations regarding reported violations of the Code of Conduct, convenes a group to conduct a review of the CoC Coordinator, and takes on other duties as assigned by the HSC Board of Directors.
Committee to End Youth Homelessness
The Committee to End Youth Homelessness develops strategies and recommendations for ending homelessness among unaccompanied youth, transition-age teens, and young adults under the age of 25 in Dane County. The committee provides a forum for community partners to communicate and collaborate, and is responsible for implementation and oversight of the Coordinated Community Plan to End Youth Homelessness in Dane County. Committee membership should include representatives from the following groups: youth with lived experience, organizations providing services to homeless youth, youth justice, child welfare, Youth Action Board and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) providers. Agencies that receive YHDP, Continuum of Care (CoC), Runaway and Homeless youth (RHY), or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding used for youth programs must participate in this committee.
Community Plan Committee
The Community Plan Committee oversees the HSC Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. On an annual basis, they monitor and report progress on action steps and recommend priorities to the HSC Board of Directors. They also look for opportunities to align efforts with other local, regional, or statewide initiatives whose objectives intersect with the HSC Community Plan. Every five (5) years, the committee leads a community process to review goals and objectives to ensure that they continue to be relevant and reflect current and future activities.
Core Committee
The Core Committee advises the Board of Directors on annual CoC and EHH application requirements, HUD and local priorities for funding, operation and performance of the local coordinated entry system and issues related to managing the local homeless management information system (HMIS). They are responsible for remaining informed of HUD priorities and requirements; preparing annual applications in cooperation with the Lead Applicant for CoC and EHH funds, and implementing strategies that are outlined in submitted funding applications. The Core Committee is tasked with reviewing the HSC Written Standards regularly and upon request, drafting updates as needed, and soliciting feedback from the Membership. They regularly examine system performance measures and other identified data points, and provide data presentations to identified groups in accordance with their data sharing plan. Agencies that receive CoC and/or EHH funds must have a representative participate in the Core Committee. If there is a vacancy in the Chair position and no committee members volunteer to serve, the CoC Coordinator or their designee will chair the Core Committee.
Reimagine Coordinated Entry Workgroup
Scope: To propose a new way to prioritize individuals and families for Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Supportive Housing in Dane CoC to the HSC Board of Directors by the end of 2024.
The Doubled Up Committee is dedicated to addressing the critical issue of people experiencing homelessness who are doubled-up or self-paying in hotels. The committee gathers and analyzes data to understand the scope, need, and challenges of this population. They seek diverse resources to support initiatives aimed at reducing doubled-up homelessness. The committee raises awareness about doubled-up homelessness and advocates for resources and policy changes to better support individuals and families.
Education and Advocacy Committee
The Education and Advocacy Committee provides education and information to the public, elected officials, and the HSC membership about homelessness in Dane County. The committee monitors proposed federal, state, and local legislation, and develops relationships with elected officials in order to educate them about the impact of existing and proposed policies on the homeless population. The committee also creates and submits an annual advocacy platform to the HSC Board of Directors for approval. The approved platform is presented to the HSC membership and guides the committee's work for the following year. ​​
Funders Committee
The Funders Committee provides community commitment to the goal of ending homelessness through efforts led by key partners who contribute funding guidance to local service providers. Committee membership is inclusive of local funders, people with Lived Experience, and other invested community partners.
The committee conducts regularly scheduled funding and gaps analyses, provides annual updates to the Funding Matrix, and structures professional development and training opportunities in response to community needs assessments. Additionally, the committee provides a forum for public and private funders of housing programs and supportive services targeted to households at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness or housing instability, allowing them to share relevant information and emerging issues, and coordinate responses where possible. The committee's discussions and recommendations will be grounded by the HSC-approved community plans that focus on preventing and ending homelessness.
Lived Experience Council
Lived Experience Council (LEC) provides crucial expertise and recommendations to the Homeless Services Consortium (HSC) to improve the quality and effectiveness of the homeless services system and housing programs. LEC consists of individuals who are currently or formerly homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, bringing firsthand experience and valuable perspectives to the HSC decision-making spaces. LEC annually appoints one (1) member to the HSC Board of Directors, which significantly influences HSC funding decisions, ensuring that the voices of those with lived experience are integral to the decision-making process. Additionally, members actively participate in at least one other standing HSC committee, further contributing to the development and improvement of services and programs within the HSC.
Nominating & Governance Committee
The Nominating and Governance Committee is responsible for oversight and administration of the HSC election process, including soliciting a broad spectrum of candidates for the Board of Directors and the Chair and Vice Chair of the HSC Membership. The committee reviews the HSC bylaws at least biannually and presents suggested changes to the Board of Directors for feedback, and to the HSC Membership for approval. They also review the code of conduct and conflict of interest policy for the Board biannually and present suggested revisions to the Board of Directors. The committee may take on other policy-related projects or make policy recommendations to the Board, other committee, or HSC membership as time allows.
If there is a vacancy in the Chair position and no committee members volunteer to serve, the Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee will be appointed by the President of the HSC Board of Directors.​
The Outreach Committee focuses on reducing unsheltered homelessness in Dane County by developing best practices for outreach services, advising on written standards, fostering collaboration among service providers, and recommending advocacy priorities. They also identify unmet needs and suggest strategies to address them. The committee is responsible for the implementation and oversight of CoC plan to address unsheltered homelessness. They review data and make recommendations to the Board of Directors and community partners on how to decrease the length of time homeless, increase permanent housing placements, and reduce returns to homelessness.
Point-in-Time Committee
The Point-in-Time Committee is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night. The committee recruits and trains volunteers, assists with data collection and interpretation, reports results, and evaluates the PIT process. The committee also advises the HSC Board of Directors on issues related to methodology and other HUD requirements for the PIT Count.
Racial Equity Committee
​The Racial Equity Committee is established to advance racial equity within Dane County’s Continuum of Care (CoC) programs and funded agencies. The committee is dedicated to addressing racial disparities in homeless services, advocating for equitable practices, and ensuring that the experiences and needs of marginalized communities are prioritized in CoC policies and programs. The committee is responsible for developing an action plan that includes setting annual goals and priorities for racial equity within the HSC, to be approved by the HSC Board. The Racial Equity Committee (REC) is responsible for integrating racial equity principles and policies into the Homeless Services Consortium bylaws and policies and procedures, and across all HSC committees. The committee should include representatives from CoC-funded agencies, individuals with lived experience of homelessness, and HSC members with expertise or a demonstrated commitment to racial justice. The committee's membership should also reflect the diversity of the communities served by the CoC, particularly those most impacted by homelessness and racial disparities.
Shelter Services Committee
The Shelter Services Committee is a forum for shelter providers, advocates, and stakeholders within the HSC to communicate about the emergency shelter system, coordinate efforts to divert households from homelessness and to move households out of homelessness as quickly and effectively as possible, promote low-barrier shelter, and align policies and procedures as appropriate. The committee is also responsible for advising the HSC Board of Directors on issues related to the operation of the emergency shelter system , including identifying and addressing unmet needs.
Youth Action Board
The Youth Action Board (YAB) is a youth-led, youth-centered group made up of youth ages 14-24 who are passionate about ending youth homelessness. Two-thirds of the YAB will have past or current lived experience of homelessness. The primary objectives of the Youth Action Board are to provide a space where youth can connect and share their experiences, and then be empowered to have a voice in decision-making processes of the Homeless Services Consortium, including but not limited to, policies, program planning, project evaluation, and funding decisions that affect the services and systems designed to support youth. This is achieved by building and maintaining a partnership with the HSC to engage in mutual learning, youth empowerment, and collaborative decision making. The Youth Action Board is part of the leadership team that designs, oversees, and evaluates Dane County's Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) projects.