HSC Forms
CE Provider Resources - English
Coordinated Entry Release of Information
VI-F-SPDAT: Households with minor children
TAY-VI-SPDAT: Youth ages 18-24
(Updated February 2024)
Recursos del Proveedor CE - En Español
Coordinated Entry Release of Information
Participant Interest Form: Households with minor children
VI-F-SPDAT: Households with minor children
TAY-VI-SPDAT: Youth ages 18-24
(Versiones actualizados a partir del invierno de 2024)
Chronic Homeless Documentation
The forms below are for emergency shelter staff and street outreach providers to complete with their participants. These forms are required for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs in our community.
Homeless History
Third Party Verification Template
Self-Certification of Homelessness
Disability Verification
Disability Verification for HUD-funded Programs
Income Verification
Participant Interest Form
Participant Interest Form: Single Adults
Participant Interest Form: Households with minor children
Please note that a recording of the Chronic Homelessness Documentation training is available here.

Recommended Forms for CoC- and EHH-funded Projects
The Homeless Services Consortium recommends that projects use the forms below for their client files. These forms will meet CoC and EHH funding requirements. Using the recommended forms allows staff to be on the same page with file requirements, can allow for a smoother transition if a client is transferring case managers, and will make monitoring visits easier. Additional forms, based on specific program needs, can be included in the file.
Eligibility/Intake Forms
HMIS Intake for Households with Children
Habitability Standards for ESG-funded RRH and HPP
Housing Quality Standards - HUD form 52580 for CoC-funded projects
Rent Reasonableness and Fair Market Rent Instruction
Utility Allowance - City of Madison
Case Management Forms
Mainstream Resources Checklist
Mainstream Resources Checklist: Definitions & Contacts
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Forms
VAWA Lease Addendum - HUD Form 91067
VAWA Notice of Occupancy Rights - HUD Form 5380
VAWA Certification - HUD Form 5382
ESG & EHH Sample Forms Per Program Type
Coming Soon!