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State EHH 2022-23

UPDATE 4/28/22


 The State just approved additional $100,000 of Housing Assistance Program (HAP) funds for Dane CoC and extended the deadline for the consolidated application. Since the total request for the HAP funds were lower than the new HAP funding amount (total $150,000), we will reopen the application process to accept new and updated applications for HAP funds. The due date for the application submission is 12pm (Noon) CDT, Friday, May 6.


HAP funds can be used for various housing programs including transitional housing, Rapid Rehousing, Permanent Supportive Housing, and other permanent housing programs. Emergency shelter, street outreach. And prevention programs are NOT eligible under HAP funds.


If you have already applied for HAP funds and do not need to change the request, you do not have to do anything. If you want to amend the application (e.g. requesting higher amount), you will need to submit an updated project application.


See updated RFP and Application Instructions, RRH project application (if applying for RRH), and HAP project application (if applying for housing projects other than RRH) below.


Please contact Sarah Lim ( by 5/3 (Tue) if you intend to apply, so that ICA can run HMIS performance reports for performance scores, if applicable.


The State of Wisconsin EHH grant combines HUD Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), State of Wisconsin Housing Assistance Program (HAP) and Homeless Prevention Program (HPP) and supports various aspects of homeless services in Madison and Dane County, including emergency shelter, street outreach, homeless prevention, and rapid rehousing and other housing programs.


The State Department of Administration Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (“the State”) annually distributes available funds among four Wisconsin Continua of Care (CoC): Dane, Milwaukee, Racine, and Balance of State CoCs. The estimated funding amount for Dane CoC for 2022-2023 grant year is $796,522.


The City of Madison Community Development Division serves as the Dane CoC’s lead applicant and submits, on its behalf, an annual consolidated application to the State. The Dane CoC Board of Directors is responsible for making funding allocation decisions for inclusion in the consolidated application. Following the notice of award, the City will enter into contracts with the nonprofit agencies to provide the activities approved by the Dane CoC Board of Directors.


Agencies interested in applying for funds must complete all applicable application materials and submit them electronically to by 12pm (Noon), Friday, April 15, 2022.

RFP Timeline


Application Workshop



B. Application Forms





  • Documentation of Match – There is no form. See the match documentation instruction in the RFP & Application Instructions.





*Existing EHH projects that have submitted the Written Standards Checklists in 2022 do NOT need to submit them again.





C. Performance Scoring Sheet (existing programs only)

You do not need to submit this form. Instead, send an “Intent to apply” email to Sarah Lim ( by 4/4 (Mon) to be included in the HMIS performance reports run by ICA for performance scoring.

D. Scoring Criteria

All Projects

New Projects 


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