Ending Youth Homelessness
In September 2021, the Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $142 million to 33 communities for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). In this process the Madison/Dane CoC was awarded almost $2.5 million for the next two years. These funds allow our community to further address youth homelessness in ways that are specifically tailored to meet their needs. Funding can support a wide range of housing programs including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing and host homes. The public may follow this work by visiting the Madison/Dane YHDP website.
The Youth Action Board (YAB) plays an integral role in our work to end youth homelessness. The YAB is a group of young people under age 24 who have lived experience of homelessness. They lead our work for YHDP and must approve every major decisions in the planning, implementation and evaluation of these funds. To learn more about the YAB and get information to join, please visit their website.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for the YHDP funds is expected to be released in early May 2022. Information will be posted on our Funding Opportunities page.